Download kordil_acad TRK v2 Autolisp lengkap sekali install


Autolisp atau biasa disebut juga lisp adalah app yang sangat membantu dalam pekerjaan penggambaran dengan autocad,jika biasanya kita harus menginstall satu persatu lisp,maka sangat berbeda dengan kita menggunakan kordil_acad TRK v2 ini..karena dalam sekali install kita sudah mendapatkan banyak lisp yang berwujud toolbar yang akan memudahkan pekerjaan kita.
macam-macam toolbar kordil
convertxyz: untuk mengubah ID,X,Y,Z dengan format  “c:\ Kordil_AcadTRK_Dec_08_INPUT.csv” 
loadcoordinates:Fungsinya untuk memunculkan nilai koordinat yang anda klik kedalam layar autocad anda.
coordinatesout: menambahkan ID,X,Y,Z pada point yg anda klik kedalam file “Kordil_AcadTRK_for_OUTPUT.csv” tanpa overwrite..
settingout: menambahkan nilai stakeout  dari 2 station ke file menggunakan jarak dan sudut.


mapscale: This is a master settings effects all programs. Assign a map scale based on linescale to adjust the object sizes to a visible and reasonable scale.
rollback: Places default settings created by AcadTRK back. For example, Grad, North is zero, and Clockwise directions placed back to original. When needed automatically reloaded.
autobilipmode: Toggles blip modes (small temporary marking points) on and off.
flatten: Sets elevations of selected objects to zero.
makelayer: Asks a layer name and creates it and set it current.
kordillayers: Creates some preset layers embedded in the lisp code (code needs to be edited). The layer names can be improved by users.
movetoactivelayer: Moves selected objects to the current layer.
movetoaspecifiedlayer: Moves selected objects to another layer of object selected.
changetobylayer: Changes selected objects to bylayer
changetobylayer: Changes objects in blocks to bylayer
areacalculation: Calculates area of selected points and writes the areas to the screen. This program uses rounded decimal parts (currently set to 8). This is written to avoid minor discrepancies due to rounded values when area computed by hand. Especially for cadastral parcels.
idpoint: Echoes E, N, El of a clicked point rather than xyz
distance: Echoes distance of 2 points identified, and azimuths between the points in grad and degrees (dms)
cleanlayer_id: Deletes ID of points loaded by file tools. Attention, deletes all content in the  layer ID generated automatically
cleanlayer_el: Deletes Elevations of points loaded by file tools. Attention, deletes all content in the layer EL generated automatically
cleanlayer_po:  Deletes Point Marks of points loaded by file tools. Attention, deletes all content in the layer PO generated automatically
cleanacadtrklayers: Deletes all content of above 3 layer, created during loading of ID, X Y, Z points on the screen. It cleans up all contents in those 3 layers.


angleline: Creates another line with an angle from a defined direction.
writeelevation: writes elevation of a point clicked
kothesap: Computes elevation of a point by averaging  3 other known points identified.
assignnumber: Enumerator to write sequential points on the screen.
basayaziekle: Adds a string at the beginning of text selected
sonayaziekle:  Adds a string at the end of text selected
writecoordinates:  Writes coordinates of a point on the screen as shown on icons.
writecoordinates2:  Writes coordinates of a point on the screen as shown on icons.
writecoordinates3:  Writes coordinates of a point on the screen as shown on icons.
writeeasting: Convenient for writing grid easting
writenorthing: Convenient for writing grid northing
writeeastingnorthing:  Convenient for writing grid corner, easting and northing
writecoordinastotetable: Writes coordinates of clicked points on a table on a shown place and tabulates them.
writedimofedge: Writes distance between 2 points identified.
writedistanceazimuthdms: Writes distance and azimuth in DMS on a line or between two points
writedistanceazimuth: Writes distance and azimuth in Grads on a line or between two points
baseline: Writes distances from beginning to clicked points on an alignment to end.
baseline2: Writes beginning and endpoint distances of an alignment.
kroki1: Writes distance and offset of a point related to an alignment (labels placed on middle of line)
korki2: Writes distance and offset of a point related to an alignment (labels placed close to the alignment at a certain distance)
parcellplan: Creates a layout for a parcel, writes coordinates of breaks points, and the area.
profile1: Adds offsets and elevations of a profile. Convenient for generating tabulated cross sections if you have profiles available. Hz and Vertical scales are adjustable in the code. Default 1/1 set.
profile2: Writes elevations and offsets on and under profile line
profile3: Writes elevations and offsets on an extended line
profile4: Writes elevations of profile on profile line.

Nah itu tadi fitur-fitur lengkap dari kordil_acad TRK v2.Hanya dengan sekali install,bermacam-macam lisp sudah masuk ke autocad anda,cukup membantu bukan?
Jika anda belum cukup familiar dengan LISP silahakan baca:
cara memasukan lisp ke dalam autocad

Untuk mendowload kordil_acad TRK v2 Autolisp lengkap sekali install silahkan klikdi sini.

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